Some students were really thinking. Others were resistant or doing the minimal. Some questioning helped to spur more and deeper connections. I noticed many students lacking certain terms. I asked, "How could you connect this term?" or "Why did you include this term? Explain this connection." I learned a little more from each class. I pulled things together with a diagram on the doc camera and had them share connections. It was a good review, giving me a pulse of how well they knew things and helping them see connections and what is lacking. I noticed that students who had been making flash cards for weeks were able to do a quick sort and jump into connections more quickly. In the future, I may require that of all ahead of time.
Some students were really thinking. Others were resistant or doing the minimal. Some questioning helped to spur more and deeper connections. I noticed many students lacking certain terms. I asked, "How could you connect this term?" or "Why did you include this term? Explain this connection." I learned a little more from each class. I pulled things together with a diagram on the doc camera and had them share connections. It was a good review, giving me a pulse of how well they knew things and helping them see connections and what is lacking. I noticed that students who had been making flash cards for weeks were able to do a quick sort and jump into connections more quickly. In the future, I may require that of all ahead of time.